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Why You Need a Work Injury Lawyer

Many people are not aware of the fact that even though every state has its own workers’ compensation laws, there are a lot of similarities. An experienced lawyer will be able to tell you what laws apply to your particular situation and help you determine how to proceed.

Whether you suffered an on-the-job neck injury yesterday or have been enduring harmful exposure disease such as mesothelioma for years, having a good Work injury lawyer on your side is vital. There is only a limited amount of time to assert your rights, and you do not want to be left with nothing in the end.

Workers’ compensation laws are complex and vary from state to state, so it is important that you find an attorney who can clearly explain how the law applies to your case. Your lawyers can also help you navigate the different stages of the process, including filing your claim and representing you at hearings or trials if necessary.

Some employers or insurance companies may try to deny your claim by claiming that you have a pre-existing condition that is not related to your workplace injury. An attorney can clearly demonstrate that a previous injury or illness does not disqualify you from receiving benefits for your current injury. They can also help you understand if your injury aggravates or accelerates a pre-existing condition.

An attorney can also be helpful if your employer or insurer wants to have you reevaluated by a doctor to see if your injury is getting better or less severe. An attorney can ensure that you receive unbiased evaluations by qualified doctors, and that your employer does not try to terminate or reduce your benefits unfairly.

Injured workers often need to pay for expensive long-term medical care and treatment after a serious work-related accident. An experienced attorney can help you calculate the full amount of financial compensation to which you are entitled, and they can work with your employer and/or the insurance companies to recover this money for you.

If you are Medicare-eligible, your settlement will likely include a portion designated for future medical costs. This portion must be used up before Medicare begins to pay for your treatments, so an attorney can ensure that you are protected and that you get the maximum benefit from this agreement.

Injured workers have a right to significant financial compensation. An attorney can handle your workers’ comp claim, and they can file a civil lawsuit against any third party that may be responsible for your injuries, such as the manufacturer of the hazardous chemical or substance you were exposed to or the company that produced the safety equipment that failed on your job site. Contact Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP today to schedule your free initial evaluation with a New York workplace injury lawyer. We are available to meet with you at your home, your workplace, or another convenient location. Depending on your needs, we can arrange evening and weekend appointments.

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