Abacus International Trade

Carpenter Ants Removal – How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants in Your Home

Carpenter ants are common home invaders that can cause serious structural damage if left untreated. They’re also known to chew through copper pipes and electrical wiring, creating a fire hazard. The good news is, carpenter ant infestations are preventable with a few simple steps.

Keep them out:

Limit nesting opportunities by keeping your yard free of moist wood. This includes removing decaying logs and stumps, storing woodpiles outside of your home, and repairing any water-damaged areas on your structure. You can also discourage them from infesting your property by controlling honeydew-producing pests like aphids and other plant-eating insects.

Look for:

Indoor swarms of flying reproductive ants, which have shed their wings, are the first sign of an ant problem in your home. If you see a swarm, call a professional immediately as it indicates that the ants have established a satellite nest inside your walls. Then, follow up by identifying and destroying the parent colony.

Outdoors, check for the presence of a central Carpenter Ants Removal nest by looking for piles of wood shavings, called frass, near your home’s foundation. You can also look for foraging trails in and around your house, as well as discarded ant wings.

If you find any of these signs, treat your home with a pesticide spray, following the label instructions for use on your particular product. You can also help prevent re-infestation by periodically cleaning surfaces where the ants have traveled. This helps to destroy their scent trails, which act as a treasure map to your home. Wipe down surfaces with a cotton ball dipped in essential oils such as tea tree, citrus, or cedarwood, which interrupt these scent pathways.

Eliminate ant trails:

If you’ve located an actual ant nest, you can try drilling 1/8-inch holes through the wall voids and puffing boric acid in. This will dry out the ants and kill them. You can also use an aerosol insecticide that targets the ants, killing them quickly. However, be careful when using aerosol as it contains toxic chemicals that could harm your family and pets.

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